Mobile phones have become the fourth necessity after food, clothing and shelter. Everyone these days has a cell phone. From a grocer to school going kid everyone has one in their pocket. Some even carry two mobiles with them. These mobile connections are mainly in two forms Postpaid and Prepaid. In a Postpaid connection you get a bill according to your monthly usage. After receiving the bill you have to make the payment on or before the due date to avoid suspension of services.
Where as in prepaid, subscribers have to pay and they can use the services without a due date. But the problem with prepaid is that as soon as the balance is over you cannot make any calls. It is not possible for you each and every time to run to the retailer to get your connection recharged. It is not a viable option either. What if you are on a late night call and you run out of balance. What if it’s an important call and you do not want to waste any time running to the shop, standing in the queue for the recharge.
The solution to this problem is online recharge. The benefit of recharging online is that you don’t have to leave your place to get your connection. No standing in queues so your precious time is not wasted. Recharging online is very simple and takes not more than a minute. One more advantage of recharging online is that you get free coupons with every recharge so actually your recharge is free of charge.
Also when you go to the shop the retailer might not have recharge of your service provider and of the denomination that you want. Whereas while recharging online you get all plans of all service providers. The retailer must be unaware of current plans in the market and you may end up losing out on a new scheme or a plan that may reduce your call charges. With online recharge you get all this information in just seconds.
So why run all the way to the shop, stand in the queue to recharge when you can just go online and e recharge and get free coupons. So just log on to and recharge online.